100 Years ago…
On July 1, 1922, Phil Foster served as President, and on October 12, 1922, The Del Rio Club was organized as club number 1285. Arthur Mayhew of the Uvalde Rotary Club came to Del Rio and induced Phil B. Foster to call a meeting of local businessmen in the St. Charles Hotel on the night of October 12, 1922. Seventeen men were present at this meeting and these seventeen men organized and became the charter members of the Del Rio Rotary Club. The club got its charter on November 22, 1922.
At first, every few weeks the meeting places were changed from one place to another. At one time the meeting place was alternated between two different places.
On November 22, 1922, the Del Rio Rotary Establishes Moore Park, The Del Rio Rotary club was instrumental in getting land from the G. Odell-Moore Estate for Moore Park. The Rotary Club was named trustee for Moore Park along with the American Legion and the Lions Club. Also, the Rotary Club paid for 1/3 of the trees planted in the park. 100 years ago…